Okay so I've been absent for a while. Here's the scoop in a nutshell: about two years ago I was admitted to hospital with a large aneurysm in my brain. During surgery to repair it there were complications that have left me with deficits that I have been trying to overcome. It has been a long journey but I am almost there. I am determined not to give up (as hard as that is). Sure, there are days when I think it's too difficult but what keeps me going is knowing that I almost died. I owe it to myself to move forward.
The little things that I used to obsess about just seem so insignificant now. I don't care what dress size I am. I don't care how old I'll be on my next birthday. I'm just happy to be here. I realize this all sounds cliche and it has been said before...but it truly is how I feel.
I too hve a brain injury that I am trying to overcome. Please post youe progress.